In 2019, the Hamon Group was selected by InfraServ GmbH & Co. Gendorf KG for the refurbishment of an 8-cell induced draft cooling tower at the Gendorf chemical park. The scope of supply included the engineering, material delivery and dismantling/erection works including noise attenuators at the air inlet.
This large project started in October 2019 with the dismantling of the internal, mechanical parts, roof and cladding of 4 cells and the erection of new components. Mechanical completion including hot commissioning finished in April 2020, a great achievement for the Hamon team during the Covid-19 pandemic. After the replacement of the first 4 cells, the second phase of this project was launched at the end of 2020 with the refurbishment of the remaining 4 cells. Erection works started in January 2021. They were successfully completed in May and the tower was put into operation.