The webinar, by Dr. Peter Droegemueller (R&D Manager, CALGAVIN), will focus on hiTRAN Thermal Systems in tube side condensing processes, which will be held on 17th July 2019.
The processing and refining industries commonly use tube side condensers and the allocation of the condensing fluid to the tube side can be driven by the requirement for low inventories, use of expensive corrosion-resistant materials or where air coolers are used.
When condensing single component vapors, heat transfer coefficients are high. The situation changes, when condensing multicomponent mixtures or if the condensation takes place with inert components. Under those conditions, the performance of condensers is often controlled by additional mass transport limitations between the liquid and vapor interface.
The use of hiTRAN Thermal System improves several aspects of the tube side condensation process. In this Webinar, we explain in detail the changes in hydrodynamic in vertical and also in horizontal condensers when applying hiTRAN.
During the webinar, we will give guidelines which variables are important to determine whether the hiTRAN installation will be beneficial. Industrial case studies are presented where hiTRAN Thermal Systems was used to increase performance.