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Submit Press Releases

The editorial staff of Heat Exchanger World kindly invites you to submit press releases, in house magazines and other sources that detail your company’s on-going activities and/or product developments.

These will be considered for inclusion in the news sections of Heat Exchanger World’s magazine and website. Publication will bring your company to the attention of our international readership, comprising end users, engineering companies and suppliers serving worldwide process industries.

We have various categories for press releases, namely:

  • Project Previews (summary of new projects and contracts awarded)
  • News (reports of company investments, acquisitions, personnel changes, etc)
  • Product News (features new innovations, etc)

Our principal selection criterion is whether your news is relevant to our readers. However, we do reserve the right to shorten press releases depending on available space. Preferably, press releases should be 100-200 words in length.

Photographs which enhance press releases may also be included.

Unfortunately, company logos and/or address details, including phone / fax numbers or e-mail, cannot be included in the press release.

Get in touch with our editor to discuss inclusion of your press release.

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