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Company News

In this section you can find updates from suppliers, manufacturers, and stockists of heat exchangers and related equipment. This company news section is updated regularly with the latest company news from within the global heat exchanger community. If you wish to include your newsrelease on our website and email newsletter, please feel free to Contact the editor.

SWEP and Enclean agree on strategic cooperation

Mr. Henrik Rietz presented the district heating technology in Sweden and the typical SWEP solutions used in the market there during the China-Sweden District Energy Roadshow held in Yantai and Beijing.

Alfa Laval secures SEK 100 M energy efficiency order

Alfa Laval – a service provider in heat transfer, centrifugal separation, and fluid handling – has won an order to supply compact heat exchangers to a refinery and petrochemical plant in China.

ARENA announces funding to A2EP in process heating

On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has recently announced $460,500 in funding to the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP) to investigate opportunities for using renewables in process heating in manufacturing.

LIEBHERR adds to BMI’s customer reference list

Two new BMI vacuum furnaces have been added to the brazing workshop of LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE TOULOUSE (France). They are big size furnaces for the vacuum brazing of stainless steel exchangers (furnace B56T250) and aluminum exchangers (furnace BA56-250).

Kapp delivers Shell & Tube exchanger to a new customer

Kapp recently delivered a large Shell & Tube heat exchanger to a new customer in the chemical industry. A diameter of over 1.5 metres, 2,914 tubes of 7 metres, a maximum design temperature of 500 °C are a few facts about the heat exchanger.

BITZER set up its factory in Rottenburg-Hailfingen

After having acquired the Alfa Laval portfolio of shell and tube evaporators and condensers in April 2018, the specialist for refrigeration and air conditioning technology BITZER has been setting up its factory in Rottenburg-Hailfingen: The first new condenser produced there has been delivered to a customer.

AHRTI lead the research program with ORNL and NIST

The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology Institute (AHRTI), the research arm of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), has been selected by the U.S.

Marcegaglia contributes to the CSP construction

Marcegaglia Specialties contributes to the construction of the largest single-site CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) plant in the world.

MHPS receives a refurbishment order at PASAR

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS) has received an order for the refurbishment of a waste heat recovery boiler in operation at Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation (PASAR), located on Leyte Island in the Philippines.

Bachiller delivers Film Evaporator to a German company

Bachiller has successfully delivered a new 3,770 m² Falling Film Evaporator to a German engineering company specialized in the design and construction of chemical projects and plants.