EBA highlights the importance of digestate

HRS Heat Exchangers has welcomed the recent publication of two recent papers by the European Biogas Association (EBA) which highlight the importance of digestate in the overall sustainability profile of anaerobic digestion and biogas energy. The use of digestate as a sustainable biological fertilizer can be improved with pasteurization to prevent the spread of pathogens, weed seeds and crop diseases. One of the most energy-and cost-efficient methods to pasteurize digestate is the HRS Digestate Pasteurisation System (DPS), which is based on heat exchangers. Using heat exchangers means that effective digestate pasteurization is possible using surplus heat while allowing additional thermal regeneration levels of up to 60%.

Another system to improve the management and handling of digestate is the HRS Digestate Concentration System (DCS), which uses patented technology to reduce the volume of liquid digestate up to 90%, raising the concentration of total solids to 20% solids while also maximizing the nutrient content, using heat from the AD plant’s CHP engine.

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