Implenia has been asked by project owner Wärme Hamburg to build a tunnel under the River Elbe for Hamburg’s new district heating network. The project is worth around CHF 75M (EUR 72M), and Implenia is responsible for the detailed design and basic construction of the tunnel and the district heating pipe, as well as for planning and installing the required operating technology. Implenia has been working on the design since October 2021 (Phase 1). It has now been given the contract for further planning and construction, commencing at the start of 2022 (Phase 2).
District heating generation in Hamburg is set to change fundamentally over the next few years. Central power plants north of the Elbe are being decommissioned and replaced by an efficient and decentralized district heating network. Climate-neutral waste heat is being taken from various sources, including a waste recycling plant, the wastewater heat pump of a sewage treatment plant and other energy-intensive industrial operations south of the Elbe. The heat will be combined in a storage circuit and brought to the required temperature. A new Elbe tunnel is needed to reach consumers north of the River Elbe.
The contract also includes the installation of the technical building equipment and the district heating pipe with supply and return flow.
The work should be completed in Q1 of 2025.