Onda is introducing the new BPHE models S87 and S93 for HVAC&R applications with boosting performance +30% vs current S82 in terms of kW/m2.
The design of the plate corrugations pattern has been optimized thanks to a CFC analysis supported by a thermal laboratory test.
The new Onda brazed plates S93 and S87 have been developed to respond to high efficiency and low water pressure drop market demand using high-pressure refrigerants as R454B, R32, and R410A.
Benefits: Evaporator and condenser average performance: +30% kW/m2; Lower DPwater -25% at same flow rate; and Stainless steel average weight saving: -20%. Configuration: Capacity range 20 90 kW and Two models range PS 30 barg, PS 49 barg.