SHARC International Systems Inc. (SHARC Energy) has entered into a Supply and Maintenance Agreement with the City of Vancouver, for the provision and maintenance of five SHARC Systems for the False Creek Neighbourhood Energy Utility (False Creek NEU) Expansion. The expansion is expected to increase the capacity of the current 3.2MW of wastewater energy transfer (WET) system to 9.8MW, with an additional carbon emission reduction of an estimated 4,400 tonnes a year, upon completion in 2023.
Under the Agreement, SHARC Energy will supply and commission five SHARC systems to perform sewage screening for the False Creek NEU and, subsequently, maintain these systems for five years with a City option for an additional five years. These systems will be paired with the current 3.2MW sewage-to-water heat pump in operation plus two new 3.3MW heat pumps.