mycon develops new cleaning system FluidMaster

mycon has previously concentrated largely on mechanical cleaning systems for heat exchangers using JetMaster, SpeedMaster and TubeMaster processes.

The FluidMaster system closes a gap here; thus, mycon can now offer devices and systems for all heat transfer systems. mycon uses automation or partial automation systems as far as possible and economically feasible. FluidMaster is also equipped with a PLC. The system has several sensors that show the evolution of pressure and flow, as well as the temperature and pH of the cleaning medium. FluidMaster is constantly monitored for leak tightness of all connections within the system and switches off automatically in the event of a leak.

All values are constantly recorded and stored per second or minute depending on the setting. The course of the cleaning is thus completely visible and can be documented at any time during or after cleaning in any desired form.

FluidMaster works with relatively high flow rates. For large-volume heat transfer systems, the mycon SpeedMaster system can also be used as a combination device. SpeedMaster increases the flow rate of the cleaning medium and, if required, can simultaneously introduce a second cleaning medium.

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