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Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of unique articles specially chosen by the Editor. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, and reports from major end users. The section also features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the power generation and food and beverage industries.

Want to stay up to date with your industry? These are the stories you need to read!

North American Headquarters in Pasadena

Featured Story – Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions

As a worldwide development and manufacturing leader of critical process sealing solutions, Teadit continues to exceed customer expectations by providing high-quality service, impressive testing capabilities, and a full line of award winning products that are guaranteed to meet the demands of the most stringent environments.
Titanium U bundle.

Featured Story – Vermeer Eemhaven International: a heat exchanger maintenance knowledge center since 1955

Vermeer Eemhaven International is one of six healthy and experienced companies making up the VE Group. Established in 1955, it has been supplying innovative custom-made solutions to the process industries for almost sixty-five years. Working from seven modern production halls, it specializes in the design, manufacture, repair, and maintenance of shell & tube heat exchangers, airfins, and pressure vessels for the oil & gas, chemical, and petrochemical industries in a variety of materials.
Fouling substances on the tube surfaces of the heat exchanger

Featured Story – Fouling and plate heat exchangers

The fouling factors, which are used in the design of heat exchangers are normally specified by the client based on his experience of running his plant, or on processes to simulate dirt accumulation on the heat transfer surfaces. If this fouling is not restricted to adequate levels then it can totally negate any benefits generated by skillful design.
Process plants

Featured Story – Predicting defined and undefined problems in process plants

Enabling staff to accurately identify undefined problems ahead of time and the cause of defined problems allows plants to operate much more reliably and efficiently, says Precognize’s Chen Linchevski. OEM independent SAM GUARD can be easily applied to all process industry facilities, he stresses.
An aerial view of Shell Pernis in the heart of Rotterdam’s docklands.

Featured Story – WORKING WITH A MYRIAD OF HEAT EXCHANGERS: An interview with...

Located at Rotterdam in The Netherlands, Shell’s Pernis facilities form part of the largest refinery in Europe and one of the biggest in the world. They cover an area of more than 1000 football pitches and employ over 1900+ staff spread over 60 plants. Working there is Arjan Woerden, a materials and corrosion engineer who is charged with looking after the crude distillation units (including hydrotreating units), the platforming unit, and the hydroconversion (hycon) unit.
Process Technicians Ricky Bolyard (left) and Samantha Briggs (right) inspect the butadiene condenser in the olefins complex in Port Arthur

Featured Story – Freedom! 3D printing will revolutionize heat exchanger design and manufacture

Until recently, heat exchanger design has been restricted broadly to two types, shell-and-tube and plate-and-frame. The manufacturing processes – welding, brazing or gasketing – are time-consuming and expensive. All this is changing, thanks to 3D-printing. This new technology has opened up heat exchangers to new designs, allowing them to be tailor-made for a given application.
A tube sheet being cleaned. Photo: Hammelmann

Featured Story – Workshop report: heat exchangers connecting industry together

During the Stainless Steel World 2019 Conference & Exhibition, which was held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 26–28, a special workshop was dedicated to the huge variety of heat exchangers that perform critical duties in fundamental industries. Over sixty participants freely shared their experiences with an expert panel.
Heat pipe heat exchangers

Featured Story – The bright future of heat pipe technologies

Brian Axcell, Professor at the Institute of Energy Futures at Brunel University and expert advisor on the EU-funded ETEKINA project, speaks with the ESCI about his career to date and the potential of heatpipes.
Tube bundle heat exchanger – Outside view.

Featured Story – More efficient heat transfer through targeted turbulence generation

This article first briefly looks at the advantage and disadvantages of using thermal oils in heat transfer systems and the effect that their use can have on investment costs. It goes on to assess how turbulators (twisted tape inserts introduced into the heat exchanger) can not only significantly improve the heat transfer in the system itself, but can also help to ensure that the heat exchanger remains small.
Chemical specialty industry

Featured Story – Heat Exchangers at a manufacturer’s in India

Heat exchangers are to be found in a vast variety of industries nowadays, and certainly in the chemical specialty industry. We recently caught up with Mr. Mrinal Das, Chairman of the Flow Control Exchange Conference & Exhibition that was held in October in Mumbai, India, and who, in his everyday working life, is Executive Vice-President of Projects at Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd.