Güntner has joined the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI), a program that aims to promote the adoption of sustainable cooling technologies.
The GCI a global program that is funded and managed by the German government – hosts a network of refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) stakeholders. The Green Cooling Network currently comprises 183 members, including government institutions, international organizations and companies.
According to the manufacturer, it is leading the industry with its “solid actions,” which include participating in training and webinars, and developing strategies.
In recognition of its commitment to natural refrigerants, Güntner was the first company to renew its Natural Refrigerants Label from ATMOsphere, a global market accelerator of clean cooling and heating solutions and publisher of R744.com.
The label is designed to help qualified manufacturers to market products to new customers and regions in the natural refrigerants marketplace, including products using CO2 (R744). The label is also meant to help end users to identify best-in-class suppliers.