Maximum energy efficiency and heat recovery, with minimum waste heat, are key goals in the paper and pulp industry. Kelvions effective and flexible solutions for paper production and wastewater cooling can help companies to achieve them. Sustainable energy efficiency and process reliability underpin the Kelvion range of plate heat exchangers, air dryers, radiators, and cooling towers. These technologies will be on show at the ZELLCHEMING-Expo in Frankfurt am Main from 25 to 27 June.
Kelvion’s brazed plate heat exchangers are used in the paper and pulp production process, for example for highly efficient heat pumps. They are characterized by their compact design and low investment and operating costs.
Flow-optimized elliptical finned tubes as steam-driven air heaters with optional round finned tubes – are used to heat the process air.
Using state-of-the-art design software for thermodynamic and mechanical calculations, Kelvion’s experts design compact radiators and dry coolers according to customer-specific requirements.
Kelvions modular cooling towers with up to 120 m² support efficient and stable cooling performance in the pulp and paper industry.