IIT Jodhpur with Algo8 AI build machine learning model

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur has collaborated with Algo8 AI Private Limited to design a data pipeline build-up and machine learning model for heat exchangers of oil and petroleum refineries. The research team has designed a database model for the control and scheduled maintenance of heat exchanger networks in the refineries. The solutions provided include a comprehensive and verified predictive cleaning schedule for pre-heat trains, a graphical interface to different refinery units for control mechanism and cleaning and purging data quality matched with industry specifications.

The model cannot only trace the problems faced in regard to heat exchangers but can also be applied in any petroleum and other allied industries. A few other main aims of the project include condition monitoring of heat exchanger trains, assessing the network impact of each heat exchanger unit, a graphical user interface to provide to visualize the predicted results and to verify the accuracy of the model, model-based improved asset availability with in-time warnings and improved shutdown turn-around time among others.

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