Capstone Turbine Corporation, the clean technology manufacturer of microturbine energy systems, announced that it received two consecutive orders that include a C200S for a wastewater treatment facility and a C200R for a recreational waterpark in Poland. ASPAMET, Capstone’s exclusive distributor in Poland (, secured the orders, which are expected to be commissioned in early 2021.
Destined for a municipal water and treatment facility in the city of Minsk Mazowiecki, the C200S microturbine will replace an aging reciprocating engine. Once commissioned, the microturbine will operate on the biogas, or “organic waste,” produced on-site from municipal solid waste. The C200S microturbine will be deployed in a combined heat and power (CHP) configuration. The clean heat exhaust from the microturbines will be captured using heat exchangers and used for digester heating, hot water production, and the preheating of sludge to support the water treatment process, all while providing the highest system efficiency possible.
The second order for a low-pressure natural gas-fueled C200R microturbine will be installed in a large recreational water park with amenities that include numerous swimming pools, an early education center, recreation facility, ice rink, and go-kart track. The C200R’s ultra-low exhaust emissions and relatively low noise levels were of particular interest to park operators as some of the facility will be utilized for a kindergarten classroom for the local community.