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Company News

In this section you can find updates from suppliers, manufacturers, and stockists of heat exchangers and related equipment. This company news section is updated regularly with the latest company news from within the global heat exchanger community. If you wish to include your newsrelease on our website and email newsletter, please feel free to Contact the editor.

OMV implements energy-efficiency measures to reduce CO2

OMV has declared its commitment to the Paris Agreement and EU climate targets and set itself some ambitious goals. OMV has pledged to reach net-zero emissions of operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2050.

Kapp extends membership with HTRI

The HTRI is the institute in ‘the’ field of software for the development of heat exchangers and the simulation of processes in which heat transfer plays a role.

APROVIS supplies exhaust gas heat exchangers in Europe

APROVIS has supplied six exhaust gas heat exchangers and three SCR systems for a 28 MW gas power plant in Eastern Europe, operated with three gas engines of 9.4 MWel each.

Kaltra strengthens its regional presence in France

Facing rapidly growing interest and sales in the region, Kaltra will expand its regional support for microchannel heat exchangers in France.

Vitherm awarded another order for a petrochemical plant

Vitherm has secured another order from a petrochemical plant in Singapore. This feed preheater will be used in their ethylene plant.

Vitherm wins order for palm oil processing in Malaysia

Vitherm has won an order for a satisfied customer for a palm oil processing in Malaysia. This steam heater will be used in its palm oil production process stream.

UMD receives awards from DOE Building Technologies

University of Maryland engineers, Ichiro Takeuchi, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and Graduate Program Director, Reinhard Radermacher, Director of the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE), and Vikrant Aute, Co-Director of CEEE, recently received awards from the U.S.

SHARC wins “Incubatenergy Lab Challenge” by EPRI

SHARC International Systems Inc. (SHARC) announced that it has won the opportunity to collaborate on a pilot project funded by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) after presenting at the Incubatenergy© Labs Challenge.

Wärtsilä CHP plant for public utility in Dresden

The combined heat and power (CHP) plant has been engineered, procured, and constructed by Wärtsilä in Dresden-Reick, Germany.

Rinnai HDC 1200i installed at food manufacturing site

A Rinnai continuous flow hot water solution has been installed at a large-scale seafood processing and manufacturing plant on the North East coast.