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Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of unique articles specially chosen by the Editor. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, and reports from major end users. The section also features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the power generation and food and beverage industries.

Want to stay up to date with your industry? These are the stories you need to read!

Welded stainless steel tubes

Featured Story – Longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes and an appropriate logistics concept for...

GEA has a reputation for fulfilling the high hygienic demands made by the food and beverages industry with its production machinery. The company’s Ahaus site produces not only milk and juice processing systems but also heat exchangers for heating and cooling in aseptic procedures. The fitted tubes inside the pressure vessels coming into contact with the products are supplied by Schoeller Werk in Hellenthal, Germany.
Iron Smelter

Featured Story – Heat recovery in steel plants to boost competitiveness

Kristijan Plesnik, energy manager at the steel production SIJ Metal Ravne in Slovenia, talks to ESCI about economic threats to steel production and how these may affect EU climate targets. Kristijan is also involved in the EU-funded ETEKINA project, which looks at new innovative ways to recover waste heat in energy-intensive industries using heat pipes.

Featured Story – Working together to find the best solution

To improve performance of heat exchanger tubing in challenging urea production environments, Sandvik Materials Technology worked with Stamicarbon BV to develop Safurex Star, an advanced alloy for use with high pressure (HP) strippers. Jane Eriksson, Sales & Marketing Manager for Tube EMEA for Sandvik Materials Technology discusses.
Process technology

Featured Story – Longitudinally welded tubes: ideal for heat exchangers

GEA is one of the largest suppliers of process technology for the food industry and a wide range of other industries. The international technology group focuses on process technology and components for sophisticated production processes in various end-user markets. Heat exchangers are at the heart of much of its technology and longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes are proving the ideal material for these.

Featured Story – Optical Gas Imaging Vs. Method 21 for Detecting Hydrocarbon Emissions

Often with Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) surveys, companies are stuck using traditional strategies that aren’t very efficient. In fact,despite recent technological advancements, many businesses seem reluctant to ‘take the plunge and embrace newer methods that would help them detect fugitive emissions in their operations. In this article, Terence Trefiak of Target Emissions Services discusses Optical Gas Imaging Camera (OGIC) technology for LDAR versus Method 21, and the AWP.