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Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of unique articles specially chosen by the Editor. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, and reports from major end users. The section also features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the power generation and food and beverage industries.

Want to stay up to date with your industry? These are the stories you need to read!

Flanged immersion heater.

Electric heaters compared to heat exchangers: competitors or supplements

Whenever large electric heaters, flanged immersion or circulation heaters are shown at trade fairs, many visitors ask themselves whether this is a heat exchanger. Due to their external similarity, they can easily be confused with tube bundle or tube and shell heat exchangers. The purpose of this article is to provide a closer look at the differences of both systems, their limitations depending on specific applications and some advantages electric heaters may have.
Fig. 1. Some examples of corrosion issues on coated steel channels and floating heads. (Photo courtesy of TOTAL Antwerp.)

Featured Story – Aluminium–bronze: a solution for tube and shell heat exchangers using brackish...

Aluminium–bronze and nickel–aluminium–bronze (NAB) are not necessarily widely known but have been developed as solutions for seawater corrosion issues. At the same time, they also offer other interesting properties, such as resistance to biofouling.
Waste heat measurement with a Luftmeister air energy meter in a flue gas exhaust pipe.

Featured Story – Efficient use of waste heat in air conditioning and process air

Energy consultants and industrial energy managers will continuously have to find, implement and prove significant savings in the coming years. But what can be done when the ‘usual suspects‘ have already been implemented, from combined heat, power and cooling to LED lighting and compressed air leakage minimisation? The energy audits are ‘insatiable’, further suitable measures must be found.
Par Hawaii Refinery

Featured Story – Overseeing Refinery Processes at Par Hawaii

Bob McKaig is a process engineer who has worked at Par Hawaii in Kapolei, Oahu for the last twenty years. While he has been part of a number of departments, today his job revolves around ensuring that the company’s plants are kept running smoothly and meeting production needs while staying in safety and environmental compliance. His responsibilities cover unit optimization, the documentation of management of change, and training.
Designing and installing heat exchangers

Featured Story – How to avoid the top 10 heat exchanger ‘mistakes’

With around 40 years’ experience of designing and installing heat exchangers – whether as part of a brand-new production line or as an upgrade or replacement to an existing unit – our engineers and sales staff have encountered a wide range of issues on sites. Here are ten of the most common mistakes that can occur as a result of poorly-specified or badly-installed heat exchanger systems – and, most importantly, how you can avoid them on your next project.
Laser metal deposition for waste-to-energy pressurized boiler components

Featured Story – Overview of laser metal deposition for waste-to-energy pressurized boiler components *

This article gives a brief overview of recent Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) advances in the WTE boiler industry.
Fig. 1. The inside surface (the acid side) of a leaked tube.

Featured Story – Substituting 316L by duplex in a heat exchanger combat erosion

In an organic chemical plant, a high-molecular weight organic acid vaporizer in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, developed leakage within four months of going into service. The equipment was used to convert liquid acid to vapor under high pressure and above the boiling point of the acid. One of the nozzle pipes from the downstream reactor, which was processing the vapor in the same circuit, also developed a premature leakage.
Spiral heat exchangers are difficult to clean and service. For the most challenging and high-fouling applications a scraped surface heat exchanger may be necessary.

Featured Story – Spiral or corrugated tube heat exchangers – which is best for...

Since the first spiral heat exchanger was proposed back in the 19th century, they have become synonymous with the treatment of slurries and wastewater; materials which have a high fouling risk, are viscous, or which contain fibers and solid materials. However, in many situations the performance of a corrugated tube heat exchanger is equal to or better than that of a spiral design.
Chemical laboratory research and complex manufacturing

Featured Story – Cleaning industrial assets with Angara Industries

The team behind Angara Industries consists of dedicated professionals who have combined experience in chemical laboratory research and complex manufacturing of 25 years plus 26 years in industrial production and equipment service. In addition they have 42 years’ experience in sales and business development in oil & gas as well as other industrial and technical sectors. Managing Aging Plants had the pleasure of speaking with Ilya Rodin, CEO with Angara Industries.
A heat exchange unit at the Pernis facility

Featured Story – Residual heat as green energy

In 2018, Shell began supplying the city of Rotterdam with enough residual heat from their Pernis refinery to meet the energy needs of 16,000 households. The project, known as the Pernis Residual Heat Initiative, depends on an interdisciplinary team of engineers to design and maintain the supply networks that make large-scale energy recycling possible.